Julianna Alyssa @ 3 months old

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Reading to your baby, even at this young age, will pay off. Hearing you read helps your baby develop an ear for the cadence of spoken language. Varying the pitch of your voice, using accents, and singing will make the connection between you and your baby that much more interesting.

If your baby looks the other way or loses interest while you’re reading, just try doing something else and give her time to rest. Take your cue from your baby’s responses.

You’ll find plenty of good books to read to your baby — such as Goodnight Moon, Good Night Gorilla, and The Big Red Barn. Choose board books that have large, bright pictures and simple text — or even wordless books with pictures for you to narrate. At this point you don’t have to be slavish to age guidelines. Books designed for older children can captivate a baby if they have clear, crisp images and bright colors.

Your baby has been able to recognize you since he was just a few days old, but now he may actually be able to show it. About half of babies this age begin to exhibit an obvious recognition of their parents.

Your baby will probably continue to smile at strangers, especially when they look him straight in the eye and coo or talk to him. But he’s starting to sort out who’s who in his life, and he definitely prefers you, your partner, and perhaps a few others.

Your baby may quiet down and make eye contact with you, or he may search for you in a room and move his arms in excitement or smile when he finds you. He may even find your scent calming and comforting.

Source: http://www.babycenter.com

Janna’s milestone @ 3 months

  1. Moves from side to side.
  2. Answers with her coos and laughs
  3. Can now appreciate books with colorful illustrations.
  4. Talks with eye to eye contact
  5. Knows how to watch TV
  6. Voracious milk drinker. She can finish 4 oz of milk. Shifted her teats from #1 to #2 already.
  7. Less cry, more smile, more laugh.
  8. Can now sleep through the night. Though she sleeps a little late. She sleeps at 12mn and wakes at 7:00am.
  9. She can lull herself to sleep during day time.
  10. Tries every now and then to hold her bottle.
  11. Now enjoys bathing in her tub.
  12. No more colic!
  13. Big time drooler
  14. Clings more to her Mom but talks to her Dad more.

~ by jayzanne on August 12, 2008.

2 Responses to “Julianna Alyssa @ 3 months old”

  1. Cute naman. 3mos old na pala baby mo. Just passing by. 🙂

  2. Hi Laarni, oo 3 months na siya… bilis ng araw no?

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